Chaitanya Sawant
2 min readSep 12, 2021


Happiness is a choice.
It’s about experiencing the present moment as it is right now. It is living the moment that is seizing it.
Now that I’m 23, I am slowly getting that, it’s not about getting or having, but about doing, experiencing, creating, and sharing.

We can build a happier lifestyle if we can define the value of everything around us, of what we want.
We will value what we have right now, if not, we can find one or create one for the future. There will not be an endless desire for more and more.

As an individual, it's about finding, creating, and sharing value.
As a result, we have more autonomy, more control over our lives, because I attribute the value to whatever I do rather than the other way around.

Like a book on a shelf or table. Its value is now limited to the material price. As soon as I read a book, relate to it, interpret it through my own experiences, and ultimately implement my interpretation of it, I create a whole new value.

As I return the value I created to society in any way, it will affect people in one way or another.
As they create their versions of value through it, they add new meaning to it. My perspectives will also be broadened, which will enable me to be more comprehensive.
One of the wonderful things about this process is that it is not a zero-sum game-like status.

Having wealth, health, and happiness is a goal.
Poor people may be happy, while rich people may be sad, and the reverse can be true as well.
The key is to view all things from a different perspective. Living and leading a happy life depends a lot on your perspective.
As naval says in podcasts,

Peace is happiness at rest and,
Happiness is peace at motion.

Let them both be a part of your lives. You can still develop meaningful relationships and find rewarding careers. Also, it can be that you already got one and will evaluate it in a different light.
It won’t make you the happiest person, but it will make you a happier one.

The feeling of belonging to your beliefs and experiences is what makes it authentically yours. Societies have no role to play here and cannot.
The ultimate quest is finding meaning. Guess what, once you realize that this path has no destination, you will find it.
Until then, sayonara.

